Whether you are mass texting your team, or via campaigns or individual texts on Brokerkit, one of the most powerful features to using Brokerkit's texting service is replies.
When you get a reply to a text on Brokerkit, the first text you'll receive will tell you whom is responding, as is shown below.
To reply to their message on their phone, simply reply to the text that Brokerkit sent to you, as you would anyone else.
Just like normal texting, each conversation will come from a different phone number (we call these multiplexer numbers) from Brokerkit, so that it knows to whom you are replying, and it can automatically log and forward on every reply, in an instant.
If you ever aren't sure who the reply came from, or you deleted the original message with the name of the replier above in the screenshot above, you can reply with the command "?who" and Brokerkit will send you that header message again with their name.
NOTE: If you respond to a text after 30 days of inactivity (which we've found is virtually never), the "conversation" will have expired, so you will need to restart the conversation in Brokerkit on the lead view.
Last, note that you can also go in and filter on text replies in the Brokerkit user interface with the Engagement filter like below:
1 comment
This is all new to me and would like to explore more..I hope this will help and makes life easier...:) -:)
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