Your Pipeline Report is one of your most powerful tools for tracking the health of your recruiting funnel. If it's an unfamiliar concept, consider it a way to mark leads for "mutual interest" or "hotness."
While your day-to-day activities as a recruiter lean heavily on a lead's Status (e.g. New, Contact Attempted, Made... etc.), it's easy to lose sight of who's closest to joining and who most needs your attention. Your Live Pipeline Report is a effective way to focus on leads with whom you've met and are most interested in joining.
Leads will appear on your report once you've Logged an Appointment with a Pipeline Rating and a Followup date, as detailed here. If you're missing any one of these three elements, the lead won't appear, and thankfully, all can be completed with the simple step of logging your appointment.
From Recruiting, click Reports to view your Live Pipeline Report.
You can view the entire team's pipeline, or filter down to a single recruiter by selecting Filter by Team Member. You can toggle between agents in your funnel or who've Signed and are still in Onboarding, and agents who've completed the preliminary steps and are Active and have Joined your office.
Click here to learn more about Signed, Active, and Onboarding agents.
You are also able to sort your Joined leads by month, to have a further breakdown of your office's recruiting efforts!
Your report will sort agents based on their Pipeline Rating:
- Signed
- 10 - Joining this month
- 9 - Joining next month
- 8 - Joining in 2 months
- 7 - Joining in 3 months
- 6 - Good meeting
- 5 - Meeting could have gone better
- 4 - No meeting (i.e no-show, cancellation, ect.)
Keep in mind the Pipeline Ratings are ultimately subjective and at the discretion of the recruiter - a lead may have seemed like an apprehensive 5 who turns around and joins the next day, or an enthusiastic and ready to sign 10 who vanishes from all further contact. Agents, like home buyers and sellers, rarely act on the schedule we assume they will.
Make sure you and your team are on the same page as to how to rank leads, and look for patterns - if a recruiter is consistently over- or under-estimating a lead's willingness to join, that's a training opportunity.
Your Live Pipeline Report is the end of your funnel, and the result of all your efforts with texts, emails, and Smart Campaigns. If you team is consistently moving people through the pipeline towards success, you know you're on the right track.
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